Patent Information Office
The Patent Information Office of I. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University was established by the Order of the Rector No. 339, dated April 17, 2013; Associate Professor V.V. Demianenko was its expert adviser. In 2015, Associate Professor A.V. Pavlyshyn was appointed as the Head of the Office.
Today, three specialists experienced in intellectual property affairs work at the office: N.S. Ustimova – a senior specialist for medical science and copyright; N.B. Khandrala – a senior specialist for medical science; N.V. Holodryha – a specialist for copyright.
Associate Professor B.V. Holod, Professor M.O. Kashuba, Associate Professor B.Ya. Reminetsky contributed significantly to the development of innovations of the university.
The main tasks of the Patent Information Office are: efficient work on the preparation of patent and license documentation for protection of intellectual property and copyright, registration and submission of the reports on implementation of researches conducted at the university, stockpiling of the university patent collection.
A.V. Pavlyshyn, the Head of the Office
Office staff: N.V. Holodryha, N.B. Khandrala, N.S. Ustimova, A.V. Pavlyshyn
The office assists the university researchers in checking the novelty of innovative developments created at the university, arranges information support for research works of the university scholars. The office also prepares materials for researchers, teachers, post-graduate and master degree students about the most important national and international inventions in science, medicine and technology.
The office staff evaluates scientific and technical levels of innovation development, arranges protection of the state priority for experimental research, development and other works, as well as preliminary examination of innovations for novelty. The office submits applications for inventions and utility models to the Ukrpatent (State Enterprise “Ukrainian Intellectual Property Institute”) registers and keeps records on them according to the current legislation.
The inventive potential of the university researchers is aimed at development and implementation of new promising methods of diagnostics and treatment, highly effective drugs for simulation of pathological conditions, as well as unique medical and diagnostic tools and devices.
Honoured inventors of Ukraine Associate Professor V.V. Demianenko, Associate Professor O.S. Lutsuk, Professor O.M. Edypak, Professor I.Yo. Halaichuk, as well as the top inventor of Ternopil region Professor M.S. Hnatiuk contributed greatly to the development of university invention and rationalization.